Sunday, January 15, 2012

Someone asked me about the story, so I told them this:

The story isn't really made yet. Mails, the project director, is never online, so we haven't really got one fully established.
Basicly, what we have come to an agreement on is that there will be two unlikely characters joining together, hating each other, but slowing over the game, coming into a happy state. The game has a bit of a back story for each character. ken kayri, is a teenager who wants to live it big. rayi renmen, also a teenager, is the exact oposite.
I haven't told this part of the story with Mails yet, but chances are this is going to be part of the story:
After a bit the of the game (SPOILER) they find out that one of them can't live and the other must survive, and end up working together to fix their lives or something. They them team up, and find out that they become one person at the end of the game. (Sorry for the ton of cunfusion, this story plot hasn't been really ajusted or edited yet. Any ideas?

Also, the game is going to be hard, and in some sections, split the characters up. There will be lots of opertunities to be mean to the other player, like 1 way doors. 1 player in, the other player has to go the harder, other way. The game spends time making a team, then destroys it, then rebuilds it.
Of couse, there are places and things you can do to harm and hurt the other player, there is friendly fire, but some puzzles need two people, so, you have to make the team and yadayadayada.

When the two meet, they have no idea about eachother. They have a short introduction about their past, which they can't fully remeber. They are both in this starge world or something. They gotta get out. yadayadayada...

Agian, I haven't edited this, or told this to mails, so nothing is final, put these ideas will work their way in possibly.

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